Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Conversation with Signy Svalastoga

I met Signy for a conversation about the project and amongst lots of other useful observations and feedback, she recommended that I look at the two following projects:

Paque de los Deseos, Medellin, Colombia

image above from: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parque_de_Los_Deseos

images from: http://studenttravel.about.com/od/photosofmedellinparks

Playground, Stavanger, Norway by Helen & Hard

images taken from: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/sf/outdoor/


  1. I've been to the parque. Woop woop! How are things with you guys anyway? :) Bert

  2. hi bert, thanks for the comment. What did you think of the parque? Did it seem to work well as a public space? Was it used? Anything you liked/disliked? Could you imagine something similar in Malta/Birzebbuga? Do you think Maltese people would use it? Any other thoughts? Thanks! Nina
